Chanukah chocolate gelt coins are fun to eat and fun to play with (kids love using them for the dreidel game). Chocolate gelt coins come in silver or gold wrapping. All chocolate gelt coins are Kosher, and are either parve or dairy. Use chocolate gelt coins this Hanukkah- don’t miss out!
Kosher Hanukkah Chocolate Coin Gelt : Kosher Coin Chocolate aka chocolate gelt provided by the largest Kosher chocolate coin manufacturers in Israel and U.S. Give chocolate coins (“gelt”) on Hanukkah for gifts! Kids love chocolate coins, both to play with (the dreidel game) as well as eating. Chocolate Chanukah coins come in both dairy chocolate and parve (non- dairy). Hanukkah coins come in silver and gold wrapping and are a very popular Hanukkah treat.
Shop Hanukkah Gelt Store now.