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Protective Amulet Evil Eye Jewelry

Protective Amulet Evil Eye Jewelry

Magnificent protective pendant, wrist and other jewelry. Colorful stone protective pendants and wrist wear to ward off harmful auras.


Worn on the wrist as an ancient amulet to ward off negative spirits and protect you. Wear it in silver with a variety of stone materials and colors. The store Jewelry is made with the center vision bead which represents good luck and protection. Available are silver, gold, red string around the wrist, pendants and earrings. Many are available to match in sets. Bring good fortune to yourself today with special jewelry .

Jewelry Pendants

Highly popular are pendants now available in vibrant colors and gemstones. A truly sleek looking piece of jewelry that arouses an awareness to all who wear it. Imaging wearing a beautiful gemstone pendants on chain in an elegant attire or a silver pendant with chain on a casual chemise shirt. A very unique jewelry piece for any occasion.

Background & Knowledge

For centuries it has been well documented that words and spirits carry significance. Many people have experienced difficulties that have been traced to having been affected by specific instances, glances and stares.

A curse felt to be cast by a harmful stare and look, usually given to an unaware person.Many people across multiple cultures believe that receiving a malevolent glare cause misfortune or injury. Talismans created to protect against this harmful affect are worn as Jewelry. Part of it's power is that it reminds one to be humble and avoid the limelight and unnecessary focus of attention. Not only on oneself, it is often referred to the watch and divine providence from above adorned with rays of light enclosed by an upper and lower shaped lid resembling our own focal retina faculties. This isn't a surprise since human mankind is but a very small reflection of a higher reality and vision being one of it's highest faculties in man. In Hebrew the word used in עיו הרע a phenomena well known and beleived by almost all communities across the Jewish world. This probably lent to the belief by Christians, Moselems, Hindus and many other religions. The colors most often used are blue and red but not necessarily exclusively so. So many people get a dirty look or an envious feel in the air and forget it quickly. Yet many people trace it back to difficulties experienced due to the incident. To remedy the situation the mere fact of wearing something against it already makes one aware and all those around him of it's potential, and care to avoid. A biblical source can be found in Proverbs 23:6 which reads ו אַל-תִּלְחַם--אֶת-לֶחֶם, רַע עָיִן; וְאַל-תִּתְאָו, לְמַטְעַמֹּתָיו. 6 Eat thou not the bread of him that hath an evil eye, neither desire thou his dainties; ז כִּי, כְּמוֹ שָׁעַר בְּנַפְשׁוֹ-- כֶּן-הוּא: אֱכוֹל וּשְׁתֵה, יֹאמַר לָךְ; וְלִבּוֹ, בַּל-עִמָּךְ. 7 For as one that hath reckoned within himself, so is he: {N} 'Eat and drink', saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. So as you can see it's sources can be dated as far back as to King Solomon.
Chances are you have seen many people give the harmful look or probably have done given it to others. Likewise, you certainly have seen someone wear the amulet and talisman but are you aware of it's deep history and affect on culture. Do you realize how popular it is to wear a defensive symbol such as this ? Warding off bad luck is not superstition but a phenomena shown to be worthy of facts and figures of inflicted harm and forms of bad luck. Often traced to being overly praised undeservedly or specifically admired extraordinarily invites an open danger in this form. This clearly explains why celebrities as a whole have adapted the use of these amulets and talisman as jewelry pieces to wear regularly. Among the Ashkenazi Jews, the term used in Yiddish "Keneini Harah" קנייני הרע is said most often when complimenting or praising - especially ones own children. In Sephardic Jewry the term used by Jacob when blessing Joseph is recited בן פורת יוסף , בן פורת עלי עין.
Shop an exciting selection of all options and budgets that will make you feel great and look great. Covering all budget costs, you can buy one for every attire formal or casual. each piece makes for a delightful gift giving idea and truly a meaningful and thoughtful gift to anyone sensitive and conscience of it's affects and existence. Ideal for Bar mitzvah and Bat mitzvah gift ideas. Make sure to shop our other fabulous Jewish jewelry and Kabbalah departments.

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Red String

Red String

An ancient fate jewelry wrist wear.

In Kabbalah wearing a thin scarlet or thin crimson around the wrist is known to influence positive energy while warding off evil and negative spirits. An ancient tradition that carries strength and protection. The tradition is well known both among the orthodox and non religious communities dating back many hundreds of years. The color is scientifically proven to cause higher level of awareness and hence why it's used in safety signs and alerts. Cuffs and Bangles to ward off evil spirits can be seen on our online catalog in many different variations. Variations that are unique and specifically designed from ancient jewish artist's traditions. Some may contain special pesukim (biblical phrases) or kabbalistic combination of letters and others special gemstones that are known to have protective powers and elements. Most of all, our wrist wear carries a fashionable look that you'll want to wear it as a gorgeous piece everyday.
Specially crafted in Israel by Israeli artists many of our wrist wear is specially imbued with symbols and ancient amulets known to protect, heal and bring abundant wealth. When you wear one of our Israeli creations you'll not only enjoy the look but feel different as well. Imagine tapping into the wealth and resources of thousands of years of spiritual history and contact of the divine.
The source of the crimson wrapped around the wrist can be found in the Torah itself. In Bereshit chapter 38 Tamar becomes pregnant from Judah her father in law and gives birth to two twins. Here are the specific pesukim in the Torah where we find instance of the crimson. 27. And it came about at the time she was giving birth, that behold, there were twins in her womb. כזוַיְהִ֖י בְּעֵ֣ת לִדְתָּ֑הּ וְהִנֵּ֥ה תְאוֹמִ֖ים בְּבִטְנָֽהּ: 28And it came about when she gave birth, that he (the infant) stretched out his hand. So the midwife took and bound a crimson thread on his hand, saying, "This one came out first." כחוַיְהִ֥י בְלִדְתָּ֖הּ וַיִּתֶּן־יָ֑ד וַתִּקַּ֣ח הַֽמְיַלֶּ֗דֶת וַתִּקְשֹׁ֨ר עַל־יָד֤וֹ שָׁנִי֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר זֶ֖ה יָצָ֥א רִֽאשֹׁנָֽה: 29And it came about, as he was drawing back his hand, behold, his brother emerged, and she said, "With what strength you have strengthened yourself!" And he (Judah) named him Perez. כטוַיְהִ֣י | כְּמֵשִׁ֣יב יָד֗וֹ וְהִנֵּה֙ יָצָ֣א אָחִ֔יו וַתֹּ֕אמֶר מַה־פָּרַ֖צְתָּ עָלֶ֣יךָ פָּ֑רֶץ וַיִּקְרָ֥א שְׁמ֖וֹ פָּֽרֶץ: 30Afterwards, his brother emerged, the one upon whose hand was the crimson thread, and he named him Zerah. לוְאַחַר֙ יָצָ֣א אָחִ֔יו אֲשֶׁ֥ר עַל־יָד֖וֹ הַשָּׁנִ֑י וַיִּקְרָ֥א שְׁמ֖וֹ זָֽרַח:
With such an ancient source, it's no wonder you'll find many Israelis, Jews from around the world, and now even gentiles who upon visiting Israel will take the opportunity to buy one and wear for themselves. Found at the Western Wall in Jerusalem and often by Rachel's tomb, you'll see vendors of all sorts. However, it's quite often difficult to purchase a high end braided or jeweled piece found only online. Rather than just a thin crimson, the latest and newest fashion feature a strong looped silver chain, a braided leather wrap, and newly available in the most amazing designs in silver and gold.
Many popular pop culture artists have found that wearing one is beautiful and specifically worn to ward off the negative eye. Celebrities like Madonna-and even Madonna's daughter Lourdes-it, Britney Spears, Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, Lindsay Lohan have instituted the item as fashionable to wear. As a kabbalah amulet and talisman made out of braided leather to protect them from unkind stares and unfriendly glances". The wave of wearing these is Mediterranean in origin and especially used for women wanting to become pregnant. The Torah explains that the key to the womb is directly in the hands of the almighty himself instead of some ministering angel. The crimson is a talisman for that purpose. One non supernatural explanation of the crimson power is that it reminds the wearer to bear himself or herself with humility, so as not to attract envy. An individual's self pride , haughtiness is a source of problem which may cause the blockage of blessings from birth to wealth. Learning to walk humbly before God has been a human endeavor and challenge and when it isn't accomplished by means of logic and thought, it can be a reminder to work at it with a jewelry wristlet. Some of latest fashion crimson ties feature a Jewish charm such as a Hamsa, a star of David and especially an eye as a protective measure. Circlets, arm lets and bangles can feature this ancient protective wear adorning it in new ways and fashionable wear.

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